People like this are cancer.

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Theres nothing worse than a woman scorned.

I think it's total BS! These girls are not stupid. They knew what they were doing. I am not saying it's right, but seriously? I think they had sex with a rock star who didn't want to date them after he got what he wanted and it upset them. Back in the day, there was a term for these type of girls...uhmmmm.....Groupie's!

I am a woman who has been raped and let me just say this; it's a horrible thing. The rapist did not send me letters afterwards. He did not reach out me. He did not take me to his concerts. We did not chat afterwards, etc. He did what he did and that was it. It was humiliating. The last thing I ever wanted to do is put it out to the public. When I did make the decision to report it, it was a little to late and the DA did not feel there's enough evidence. I am OK with that. I did report it. That's what was important to me. Not to go after him in Civil Court for a sum of money! Why would anyone want to rehash their rape in front of the court and state that a million dollars will make it all better or whatever amont her demand is for.

This young lady is going after his money and to hurt him. He didn't do what she wanted, which pretty sure was date him and be in the spotlight. She certainly does appear to enjoy being center of the media circus.

This is not the first nor last rocker who will be dragged through this type of crap. I know of one other case where a band member was placed in jail for a few months, accused of raping a girl. As time would tell, it was found she had cheated on her boyfriend with the Rockstar and instead of admitted what she did and take responsibility for being a whore, it was easier for her to accuse the guy of rape. He lost months of his life because he had sex with some girl. Charges were dropped but what about what she did? That was wrong.

I know this will piss some ppl off. But save your breath. I am so happy I lived during the real punk days and not this rehashed punk generation of kids trying to grasp a state of mind they could never understand! Holistic Punk Therapist..

Get the f%$&k out of here with that shit!

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Good read, Ty Jack

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